If you go down the woods today…
Yes this is what you’ll find – four crazed individuals stuffing giant bug boxes made from recycled pallets with old leaves, fir cones, logs in fact anything that bugs love to live in.
Why? Well back in Nov 2016 Outside were asked by Artemis Landscapes to design a show garden for Gardeners World Live 2017 . We jumped at the chance. Our urban front garden design made finalist (woo hoo!) Fast forward six months to June and our bug box production line is in full flow!
Our garden – Living in Sync – is all about reconnecting with wildlife and creating a sustainable environment where wildlife can grow and thrive. Nothing new here but sadly green space in urban front gardens is disappearing, and with it wildlife is going too at an alarming rate so we blended contemporary design with sustainable ideas to inspire ways we can incorporate into our space.
It took two days and a massive team effort to collect, chop and carefully stuff nineteen bug boxes that by the time we finished were already alive with happy bugs. Plus let’s not forget Dave from Artemis Landscapes who built every box by hand, and they are big hands – a bit like Monty Don!
Fancy bringing more wildlife back to your garden with your own super bug box? See our top tips here Wonderful Wildlife.